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My Projects

Well. Hello! Looks like you found my comics and projects page, Lucky You! Here is where you'll find my curated list of comics, pitches and various other creative projects. These are either In Development, Ongoing, or Completed.

Montana Sunset: The Hobo Samurai (ONGOING)

When a Friendly Old Swordsman named Montana Sunset encounters an odd couple of Ladies in the midst of a cross-country race, He and his Dog are compelled to tag along and help protect them from the fierce competition and unpredictable environments.

Montana Sunset Vis-Dev illustration


'One. Shot' is (fittingly) a One Shot manga that was done for the Shonen Jump one shot contest. When a Drunk Man tells a mysterious Stranger about the night  he encountered the legendary "Ace Rider", he's shocked to learn just how much of the story the stranger already knew...

one shot.png
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